Social Media Continues To Impact Litigation and Trial

The impact of social media  (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc) continues to grow in legal matters including litigation and trial.  The court decisions cut across numerous areas from employment law and personal injury to privacy rights and defamation.  Social media use has involved all the key players in lawsuits inclding judges, jurors, consultants, attorneys, reporters, and witnesses.  Lawyers are using […]

Connecticut Defamation Law, The Internet, And Social Networking

In the Business Torts category of this blog, I recently covered the basic law in Connecticut concerning interference with business relationships.  Today’s post concerns another business tort known as "defamation" and how it intersects with the growing use of social networking sites. There already have been several lawsuits for defamation arising out of use of social networking sites, such as Twitter and […]

Social Networking Lawsuits Are Big Risk to Business

I just read an excellent article posted on from the New York Law Journal on social networking and challenges to business owners and their legal counsel.  The authors Christopher Boehning and Daniel Toal focus on a new emerging problems associated with electronic discovery of social networking data.  The authors also point out many of the potential problems for employers […]

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